Privacy Policy

The websites and (hereafter: the “Website”) are offered by:

JOLIPA SPRL (hereafter “JOLIPA”, “We” and “Our”)
Rue De La Forêt 5
7522 Tournai
VAT BE 0418.745.139

e-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 069/ 59 02 00

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have questions regarding privacy matters. We promise you to answer you as soon as possible!

1. Why this privacy statement?

Every person visiting the Website (hereafter referred to as “Visitor”) as well as everyone who wishes to become a Dealer of our products through (hereafter referred to as “Dealer”) will inevitably disclose certain personal data. These personal data represent information that allow us to identify you as a natural person, regardless whether we do so or not. You are identifiable as soon as it is possible to create a direct or indirect link between personal data and you as a natural person. Below, Visitors and Dealers are also jointly referred to as “Data Subjects”.

We use and process your personal data in accordance with the GDPR and other relevant provisions of law. Every reference in this Privacy Statement to the GDPR is a reference to the Regulation of 27 April 2016 concerning the protection of natural persons in connection with the processing of personal data and the free traffic of these data (General Data Protection Regulation).

Through this Privacy Statement, every Data Subject is informed about the processing activities that JOLIPA may perform with your personal data. JOLIPA reserves the right to adjust this Privacy Statement at any time whatsoever. Every substantial alteration will be clearly communicated to the Data Subjects. We advise Data Subjects to consult this document at regular intervals. 

2. Who will process your personal data?

2.1. Data Controller

JOLIPA establishes alone or in cooperation with others which personal data are collected as well as the purpose and resources used for processing these personal data. Accordingly, JOLIPA is a data controller as defined in the GDPR.

JOLIPA has taken suitable technical and organisational measures to protect the personal data of its Visitors and Dealers. JOLIPA makes use of a variety of adequate security technologies and procedures to protect your personal data against unauthorised access, use or disclosure. JOLIPA ensures that the supplied personal data are kept safely in a controlled environment. 


2.2. Data Processor(s)

JOLIPA engages carefully selected data processors for processing the personal data of Visitors and Dealers. A data processor is a natural person or legal person who/that processes personal data at the request or on behalf of the data controller. Data processors must ensure the security and confidentiality of the personal data. Data Processors always act according to the instructions of the data controller.

JOLIPA engages the following categories of “data processors”:

  • Companies engaged by us for marketing purposes;
  • Companies engaged by us for ICT/technical support, development and hosting purposes;
  • Companies engaged by us for administrative purposes (e.g. CRM system, ERP system);
  • Companies engaged by us for logistic purposes (e.g. order picking, deliveries, etc.);
  • Companies engaged by us for analytical purposes;
  • Companies engaged by us for payment purposes;

So as to ensure optimum protection of the personal data of Data Subjects, JOLIPA has made corresponding contractual arrangements with the above-mentioned data processors to make sure that they apply the same high standards as JOLIPA.

Disclosure of personal data to a data processor outside the European Economic Area (EEA) is only allowed to countries for which the Belgian Data Protection Authority has established that they offer a similar adequate level of protection or, if this would not be the case, insofar as JOLIPA has made corresponding contractual arrangements with this data processor, taking into account the standard clauses as imposed by the Data Protection Authority in Belgium.

3. On which legal grounds are your personal data being processed?

In accordance with the GDPR, we process personal data on the basis of the following legal grounds:

  • Based on the execution of the agreement, as agreed upon with the Dealer, or the execution of pre-contractual steps taken at the request of the Data Subject; or
  • So as to comply with legal or regulatory provisions in connection with the management of the contractual relationship with the Dealer and more in particular for invoicing purposes;
  • Based on our legitimate interest to respond to requests for information from the part of Visitors and Dealers;
  • Based on our legitimate interest to send promotional offers (direct marketing) to our Dealers;
  • Based on the explicit consent for sending promotional offers (direct marketing) to Visitors;
  • Based on our legitimate interest to take and store camera images for the protection of Jolipa's property. 

4. Which personal data are being processed?

JOLIPA undertakes to collect and process only those personal data that are relevant and necessary for the purposes for which they are processed.

How many and which personal data JOLIPA collects about you depends on your use of the Website and/or whether or not you are part or wish to become part of our Dealer network. The collection of personal data will be extended as you start using our Website more intensively and as soon as you become part of our Dealer network. In general, Dealers will disclose more personal data than Visitors. In concrete terms, we process the following categories of personal data:

Dealer (through

  • Personal identification data (name, first name, log-in data);

  • Contact data (phone and mobile phone number, fax number and e-mail address);

  • Company data (legal form, VAT number, address...);

  • Electronic identification data (cookies, IP-address).

These (personal) data are collected when the Dealer places an order through our Website or creates an account. Other personal data can be collected at a later date, e.g. on the occasion of after-sales services.


Visitors (through

  • Personal identification data (name, first name, gender);

  • Contact data (e-mail address);

  • Electronic identification data (cookies, IP-address);

These personal data are collected when you visit our Website and, particularly, when you complete and send our contact form.


Images from surveillance cameras are stored temporarily. We may use cameras in and around our buildings. When it comes to surveillance cameras, we respect the legal rules. You will recognise the buildings under camera surveillance by a clearly visible sticker. Image recordings are kept for a maximum of 30 days. Exceptions to this are

  • if the recorded images are useful for proving a crime or nuisance
  • to prove a loss
  • to identify a perpetrator, a witness or a victim

5. For which purposes are your personal data being processed?

Processing your personal data is essential for the proper functioning of our Website and the services related to it and also to become part of our Dealer network. The collection of personal data will be extended as the Data Subject will start using our Website and our services or our Dealer network more intensively.

Processing personal data is solely done for the following specific purposes:



  • Management: administration, order management, deliveries, invoicing, verification of creditworthiness, support and complaints

  • Personalised marketing and advertising. In this case, the Dealer is at all times entitled to unregister for this purpose.


  • Answering requests for information through the contact form on our Website;

  • Personalised marketing and advertising if the visitor explicitly agreed with this. In this case, the Visitor is at all times entitled to withdraw his consent.

Furthermore, personal data of Data Subjects can also be used for the following purposes:

  • Management of disputes.
  • Protection against fraud and infringements.

We also use cookies to recognise (the IP-address of) Visitors and offer them a personal user experience, to remember their technical choices and to retrieve and correct errors on the Website, if any. Consult our Cookie Policy for more information on the way in which we use cookies.

When visiting the Website, some data are collected for statistical purposes. Such data are necessary for optimising the use of our Website. These data are: probable location when consulting the website, hour and day of consultation, which pages were visited, etc. These data are always anonymised to ensure the optimal protection of your privacy.

Under no circumstances do we collect sensitive personal data such as data on your race, political opinions, health, religious and/or other beliefs, sexual orientation and suchlike.

Data Subjects disclose most of these personal data themselves to JOLIPA and can in this way maintain some degree of control. JOLIPA reserves the right to suspend or cancel certain operations if the required personal data are missing, incorrect or incomplete.

6. Who will receive your personal data?

Your personal data are solely processed for internal use within JOLIPA and its affiliates. Your personal data will not be sold, passed on or communicated to third parties except if you have given your prior explicit consent or if this disclosure is necessary for executing the agreement or is required by law.

7. How long will we keep your personal data?

Your personal data are kept for as long as this is needed to pursue the pre-set purposes. They are erased from our database when they are no longer needed for pursuing these purposes or if the Data Subject validly exercises his right to erase his personal data.

8. What are your rights?

8.1 A guaranteed legitimate and secure processing of your personal data

Your personal data are always processed for legitimate purposes, as described in article 5. They are collected and processed in a suited, relevant and proportional manner and aren’t kept any longer as is needed to reach the pre-set purposes. 

8.2 Right of access

If you can prove your identity, you will be given the right to retrieve information on the processing of your personal data. As such, you will have access to the purposes of the processing, the categories of personal data, the categories of parties to which the personal data are sent, the criteria determining the retention period of your data and your rights in connection with your personal data.


8.3 Right to rectification of personal data

Inaccurate or incomplete information can be corrected. First, it is the responsibility of the Dealer to adjust incorrect date in his “User profile”. It is also possible to send us a request to change certain data.


8.4 Right to erasure of personal data

In the following events, you are also entitled to obtain the erasure of your personal data:

  • Your personal data are no longer needed for the pre-set purpose;

  • You withdraw your consent for processing your personal data and there is no other legal ground for processing them;

  • You have lodged a legitimate complaint against the processing of your personal data;
  • Your personal data are being processed unlawfully;

  • Your personal data must be erased based on a legal obligation.

The erasure of personal data refers mainly to their visibility; it is possible that erased data will remain temporarily stored.


8.5 Right to restriction of processing 

In some cases, you are entitled to request restrictions to the processing of your personal data. This is definitely so if there is a dispute on the accuracy of personal data or if the personal data are necessary within the scope of a court procedure or for the duration that JOLIPA needs to establish whether or not your right to erasure can be exercised. 

8.6 Right to object

You are at all times entitled to object to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes, profiling purposes or purposes resulting from the legitimate interests of the data controller. JOLIPA will stop processing your personal data unless it can show that there are compelling legal grounds for processing your personal data that take precedence over your right to object to their processing. 

8.7 Right to data portability

You have the right to acquire the personal data that you have given to JOLIPA in a structured, customary and machine-readable form. You are also entitled to have these data transferred to another data controller unless this is technically unfeasible.


8.8 Right to withdraw your consent

You are at all times entitled to withdraw your consent, e.g. when you’ve given it as a visitor for direct marketing purposes. However, if we still need your personal data for executing an agreement or for meeting a legal obligation, we will still remain entitled to process your personal data.

9. How can you exercise your rights?

If you wish to exercise your rights, you must submit a written request and proof of your identity by way of a mail to JOLIPA, Rue De La Forêt 5, 7522 Tournai or by e-mail to [email protected]. We will answer you as soon as possible, definitely within one (1) month after having received your request.

10. Possibility to file a complaint

If you have comments or complaints about the way in which we handle your personal data, we kindly ask you to report this to us first. In this way, we can come to an amicable settlement by mutual consent.

If, after this notification, you are still not satisfied with the processing of your personal data by JOLIPA, you have the right to file a complaint with the competent supervisory authority (for Belgium: 

The lead supervisory authority of Jolipa Ltd.
The Belgian supervisory authority is the lead authority to Jolipa Ltd.:

Data Protection Authority
Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussels
+32 (0)2 274 48 00 / [email protected]

© 2018 deJuristen ICT law & intellectual property ( The provided information is subject to copyright law so that the information may not be reproduced or communicated without the prior written consent of ‘de Juristen’ ([email protected]). All applicable intellectual property rights are retained.