Scented Candle Accords Essentiels Oranger Ensoleillé-38h

Scented Candle Accords Essentiels Oranger Ensoleillé-38h

Savor the delightful balance of vibrant citrus and fragrant florals with Oranger Ensoleillé. Crafted to infuse the captivating essence of a sun-kissed orange grove into your home, this fragrance intertwines delicate orange blossom nuances with lush, airy notes and radiant, zesty orange. Uplift your spirits and reinvigorate your senses with each use, basking in the glow of endless sunshine.

Material: Wax/Candle Color: Yellow
Unit: 6 Height: 12.5 cm
Length: 8.5 cm Width: 8.5 cm
Weight: 0.7 kg Reference: 40593
Suitable for outdoor: No Scent: ORANGER ENSOLEILLÉ

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